
March, Give Money, Give Time: A Continually Updated List of Resources for Supporting the Black Lives Matter Movement

Below, you’ll find a collection of resources to help develop your involvement and work in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement, whether it be by marching, contacting legislators, donating money, signing petitions, or contributing your skills and time. As the movement evolves, so will this list—please keep checking back for more ways to contribute.

Donate to bail funds

Bail funds ensure that protesters don’t languish in jail unnecessarily—a burdensome ordeal under any circumstances, and a life-threatening one during a pandemic.

ActBlue will split your donation between 38 community bail funds. The Bail Project provides bail relief in 22 cities, including New York, Chicago, and Houston. The Emergency Relief Fund works within New York City to keep trans people out of jail, where they face acute and heightened risk of violence.

Donating to COVID Bail Out NYC will help post bail for medically vulnerable people held in New York City jails and provide comprehensive post-release support, such as shelter and food, for these individuals.

If you prefer to donate locally, consider these organizations:

For more local bail funds, this spreadsheet is updated on an ongoing basis.

Defund and rethink policing

While bail funds protect protesters from immediate harm, other organizations are working to redesign policing from the ground up. Supporting these groups means ending the militarization of the police, building in community oversight, and eliminating for-profit policing techniques like quota-driven ticketing and civil forfeiture.

The NAACP is the premier civil rights organization in the U.S. and has made criminal justice reform one of its key endeavors.

Communities United for Police Reform is dedicated to eliminating discriminatory and abusive
policing in New York City.

The Movement For Black Lives aims to mobilize million people in service of racial justice — on the streets and at the ballot box.

Looking for education on criminal justice reform? The Marshall Project is a non-profit news organization focused on police accountability, policing tactics, and prisoners’ rights.

Here is a remarkably thorough and evolving spreadsheet of resources for dismantling systemic racism, helmed by @patiasfantasyworld. The sheets include: daily updates, bail funds and support, a George Floyd resource compilation with petition links, an anti-racism packet by Jasmine Mitchell, mental health resources for black people, trans resources and other info by @skypewilliams, white to white conversation topics, addressing racism in the workplace, proactive brands and publications, black businesses and organizations to directly support, literature on black history, privilege, policing and surveillance, and black artists to support. clearly outlines ways to take action as an ally, through signing petitions, donating to organizations, protesting, educating oneself and contacting officials.

Showing Up for Racial Justice is a national network of groups and individuals working to undermine white supremacy and working toward racial justice, moving white people to act as part of multi-racial majority via community organizing, mobilizing, and education.

Mental health resources

Many black Americans are experiencing tremendous trauma. These groups are working to provide those without support with the mental health resources they need.

Black Girls Smile hosts a directory of help/crisis hotlines, resources for finding a mental health professional, and more.

Black Emotional and Mental Health Collective provides access to the Black Virtual Therapist Network.

Donating to the Loveland Foundation makes it possible for black women and girls across the country to receive therapy support.

This doc compiles mental health resources for trans and queer youth, a tool for how to find affordable therapy, and much more.

RECLAIM increases access to mental health support so that queer and trans youth ages 12-26 may reclaim their lives from oppression in all its forms.

Organizations you can continue to support

By setting up a recurring contribution with ActBlue, your donation will be split among the following groups (you can also choose to allocate specific amounts to individual groups):

Black Women’s Blueprint takes action to secure social, political and economic equality for all black women, with emphasis on services providing reproductive educations and resources, and sexual assault crisis counseling.

Kips Bay Boys and Girls Club, which provides young people with educational and developmental programs, with particular emphasis on enhancing and enriching the quality of life for those between the ages of 6-18 who come from disadvantaged or disenfranchised backgrounds.

The Chicago Freedom School nurtures leadership, liberatory education and youth activism in young people (ages 14-21) across the city of Chicago.

Fair Fight promotes voter protection and educates voters on elections and their voting rights. The organization has mounted significant programs to combat voter suppression in Georgia and nationally.

Write your local, state, and federal legislators

Write your mayor, city council members, county freeholders, state representatives, governor, senators, and representatives. Follow the ACLU’s guidelines for maximum effectiveness.

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