
The MR Writers Club Is Back & We Are Very Excited About It

Remember the Man Repeller Writers Club? Remember how much you loved it? Remember how much WE loved it? (Take our word for it: We did. We do.)

We’ve taken some time to think about how we can make it a bigger, better experience for everyone involved, and today it’s getting a relaunch. The New and Improved MR Writer’s Club goes like this:

  • Each month, Man Repeller will offer up a writing prompt and give you a deadline to submit your writing. (This part is basically the same as before.)
  • Here’s where it starts getting better: The MR team will dedicate one day every month to reading, discussing, and responding to all of the submissions! We’re calling it MR Writers Club Day (maybe not the most inventive name, but at least there will be pizza).
  • Rather than simply selecting and publishing just one winner every month, we’ll invite a group of writers who submitted awesome pieces to workshop their essays with each other and the MR team via Zoom.
  • Last but not least: We’ll publish one winner on the site, and everyone else will be invited to a private Writers Club FB group where they can share their finished pieces (if they so desire) and continue to network and chat with other writerly community members.

Why the changes? We want to be able to spend more time investing in emerging writers and we want to be able to connect those emerging writers to each other. Our hope is that this will be a more fulfilling process for a lot more people.

Still with us? Excellent. Here’s our next prompt:

Lately, we’ve been meditating on the word “togetherness.” Tell us a story about something that made you feel like a piece of something larger than yourself, or a moment that instilled a sense of unity in you. We’re down to hear about this experience at any time in your life, but we’d be particularly interested to hear about occurrences of this feeling during the era of social distancing.

Please send your submissions (of 600 words or fewer) to [email protected] by Monday, July 6 at 9:30am EST. 

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